
Some background, philosophy, and a request-

Wow, I didn't think this would still be here.

My politics tend to lean libertarian-ish. I realize that total capitalistic anarchy ala- Ayn Rand would quickly devolve into clans, tribes, and gangs. But that government is, by its very nature, a device destructive of individual liberties.
I also recognize that on this small blue white marble in space we live on we have built in limits to our growth- and our global society is unfortunately addicted to growth.
We have reached a point where the immensity of government is crushing peoples liberty and ability to innovate solutions to our limited resources.
We have reached a peak (we are not out, just at the peak of) in our extraction of quality resources such as oil, etc.

Economic, social, governmental, and personal disruption are bound to occur. Total collapse is highly likely.

We have a few options to respond.
1) We can ignore the looming issues. Go about business as usual.
2) We can see the issues, realize that nothing will stop their arrival, and embrace nihilistic hedonism or suicide.
3) We can attempt violent (probably pointless) revolutionary change at the point of a gun barrel
4) We can attempt peacefull conversion (likely to slow and too late) of the global civilization toward a sustainable model
5) We could achieve sources beyond our little dust mote (aka space exploration) - this is probably going to be too little too late, but why not try at least?
6) We could as individuals, families, and small communities, prepare for the disaster(s) headed our way preferably married to a sustainable infrastructure for future generations.

I've literally put my money where my mouth is on the last option- Land, remote rural land, that I am developing into a self sufficient homestead. Sure full self sufficiency is impossible but if I can get it so that at least the basics of living - shelter, water, food, energy- are covered; then my family should have a decent chance of surviving, maybe even thriving, from the coming collapse. I have also put away a little bit of basic supplies that will allow for riding out any temporary disruptions.

But more than that, I am slowly collecting a library of useful knowledge- I hope to eventually have everything information wise that a community might need to rebuild a fully functioning space faring civilization. I believe in the long run only space will save our species from this trap of limited resources, and vulnerable ecosphere. It is our destiny and should we fail to achieve it as a species, as a species we will fail, go extinct, and quite possibly with us the only hope of consciousness in the universe. And we have already, with our current civilization, blown our first and best chance. BUT if we have learned from our failures with the first chance, perhaps we can succeed in our next one, a chance we have to MAKE for ourselves.
One library, no matter how complete will not be enough to ensure success. So I ask of you, dear reader, to yourself make such preparations for the coming collapse - and include in them the information our grandchildren will need to avoid our civilizations mistakes.